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Employees Witness 5-alarm Oakland Construction Fire

Video via Alameda County Fire Department of the Holliday construction fire on May 13, 2017.

This past weekend, a few of The Integrated Group’s employees witnessed the aftermath of a huge, 5-alarm construction site fire near Oakland-Emeryville, CA. This is the second to hit that same site in less than a year.

Driving through the area on the way to an event, they caught the fire just as the last hot spots were being put out. You can see the mangled crane in the background, which caused local authorities to force the evacuation of at least 35 residents from apartments and condominiums nearby.

Fun fact: Steel begins to soften at 1000°F, which a human can survive for up to 9 seconds without suffering lasting damage. We don’t recommend personal testing of this fact.

The fire is estimated to push out construction another 9 months. Holliday Development is, unfortunately, familiar with these setbacks, after an eerily similar fire erupted last July.

No individuals were injured and nearby buildings remain mostly untouched. Almost 24 hours later, the power was still out for about 221 customers nearby, affecting local businesses on what would usually be a bustling Mother’s Day.

After July’s fire, Holliday installed a dozen surveillance cameras and hired a security company to place armed guards around the property. Due to the circumstances, a full investigation is being conducted. Although ATF has seized the footage, no leads, in either case, have been released.

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